Just to be clear

I need to say something, because I don’t feel good if I don’t. This blog is based on the tv show Hannibal and even if it's full of s...

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Puoi Uscire A Giocare?

Una cosa che non farò mai nella mia vita è definirmi una scrittrice.

Non importa da quanto tempo scrivo e quanto ho scritto

“Cosa fai nella vita?”

“La scrittrice” non sarebbe la mia risposta nemmeno se dai miei libri venissero  tratti film e i ragazzi li usassero come testi di narrativa nelle scuole. Sì, ho esagerato, ma per rendere l’idea.

Scrittrice forse diventi dopo, dopo che te ne sei andata, dopo che per i successivi cent’anni la gente ancora parla di ciò che hai scritto, possibilmente bene.

Ecco, quindi se mai dovesse succedere qualcuno me lo farà sapere, ma non è che mi interessi granché.

Per questo fatico a definire il mio un libro perché, sapete, gli scrittori scrivono libri.

Non è per denigrarlo, è la cosa più importante che ho fatto nella mia vita, ma di fatto se è un libro si vedrà, ma non ho altro termine e quindi è semplicemente

Puoi Uscire a Giocare?

È una storia che ho scritto con i protagonisti, nel senso che per mesi sono stati loro a divertirsi a dirmi ciò che dovevo raccontare.

Spero di non averli delusi e di aver raccontato come si conveniva.

La loro non è una storia di tutti i giorni, anche se si basa su sentimenti e stati d’animo in cui tutti ci siamo trovati. Non è nemmeno una storia banale, concedetemelo, non per mia bravura ma perché ciò che si ritiene buono e cattivo qui è sovvertito, ciò che si ritiene un happy ending forse non è quello che vi aspettereste.

Ad ogni modo se foste interessati il libro è qui

E sono qui anch’io se mai voleste parlarne.


Some summary required - Season 3 - 13 The Wrath Of The Lamb

Following Hannibal’s tip-off, the Red Dragon decides to stage his death. He uses his blind girlfriend as a witness.
Will visits her first.

Then Will goes to Hannibal to bother him. Will… You are a pain in the ass, really. This comment is from me.

More or less the conversation they have.
Will says goodbye to Hannibal in this heartbreaking way.

When Will returns to his motel, the Red Dragon is waiting for him. Will, what did Hannibal tell you?
Will casually mentions to Francis the fact that he should take it out on Hannibal.
Oh that’s new, isn’t it?
So, here’s Will’s new great idea to catch the Dragon.

After this great decision is made, Will goes to Bedelia showing all his concern for her safety.

But Will is warning the population about Hannibal’s release without the consent of the person concerned.

Obviously, the extreme security measures you witnessed until now strike again and the two of them are wild and free in a blink of an eye. Why have I thought about Nigel just now? Never mind.

They spend hours alone in Hannibal’s house. Hours about which we don’t know anything, but we can imagine, and then the Dragon arrives.

They kill the Dragon. Oh, they really do.

Some summary required - Season 3 - 12 The Number Of The Beast Is 666

Will doesn’t stop to see Bedelia just because Hannibal tried to kill his family. He has things to ask.

Poor Bedelia has to suffer the usual shit.

Will is convinced that the Dragon has a curiosity about him, so he devises a plan to get in touch with him.

Will needs Freddie Lounds to do it and also a fool -Alana’s word-.

And his face says that he knows. He knows something won’t go well.
They say mean things about the Dragon and make it look like they’re Chilton’s words.

Chilton is kidnapped -we should always thank the security- by the Dragon. Horrible things happen to him.

The only one real happy about it is Hannibal. Mostly because the Dragon sends Chilton’s lips to him and he manages to eat one.

That’s painfully true. The Dragon set fire to Chilton. The result is not a nice one.
Will pays Chilton a visit, but he is not welcomed.

Some summary required - Season 3 - 11 …And The Beast From The Sea

Francis and Hannibal talk to each other again. It goes well until Francis starts to play his cards wrong.

We missed the kill-through-a-third-party, didn’t we?

The Dragon wants to get it over with, so he starts the attack on Will’s family by poisoning the dogs.

They just get sick, they don’t die, thank God. Or I would have ripped Francis’ heart out of his chest myself.

Will is unaware of everything, because Molly doesn’t tell him about the dogs -another genius- and he keeps talking to Hannibal as always.   

When the time comes, the Dragon isn’t able to kill Will’s family, but he manages to shoot Molly.

Will goes to the hospital with a sense of doom.

They tell Hannibal they know what he did. And they ask for his help to frame Francis.

Hannibal says YES and then he does what the fuck he wants. And Jack reacts with this face.

I mean… Jack, come on…

Alana keeps her promise and takes away Hannibal’s things.

At the end Will goes to Hannibal to talk  to him one more time.

Some summary required - Season 3 - 10 …And The Woman Clothed In Sun

We find Hannibal and The Great Red Dragon still on the phone. Since Francis is calling from Hannibal’s office, he doesn’t care about the bill.

They flirt a little more.

Since Will is there for the case and nothing else and he doesn’t care about Hannibal at all, he goes teasing Bedelia, because he clearly can’t accept her previous relationship with Hannibal and he is a jealous fucker.

Thanks to the same security measures that allowed The Red Dragon to speak on the phone to Hannibal, Hannibal is able to use the phone himself to ask for Will’s address. It’s a beautiful world full of lucky serial killers helped by Fate -and by people who should supervise them-.

Hannibal takes care of Will’s ignorance talking to him about William Blake’s works, the ones that inspired Francis’ madness.

Francis goes to see The Great Red Dragon drawing at Brooklyn Museum, because he wants to eat it.

I’m not making things up. See for yourself.

More or less following Hannibal’s words, Will goes to the Museum the exact same day at the exact same time.

And he goes just to make a total ass of himself.

Some summary required - Season 3 - 09 …And The Woman Clothed With The Sun

Hannibal and Will see each other after a long time.

 They talk about the case, eventually, and about the killer’s psychology. While doing that they visit different locations inside their own minds.

na threatens Hannibal to take away all his things if he doesn’t behave with Will.

Actually, the dialogue was pretty much like that.

The killer butchers families. You can see how eagerly Will joined a new nice investigation just to stay away from HIS family. Will spends his days in the victims’ houses, while the killer finds himself a girlfriend.

At night Will phones his wife.

In all this, the man in the cage is the one who accomplishes the most.

The killer contacts him -yes, security measures around Hannibal are strong- and tells him the usual.

Some summary required - Season 3 - 08 The Great Red Dragon

So, we left Hannibal mad at Will and eager to go away from him for a little bit.

Three years.

Three years to be able to bear Will again.

Actually, nobody thinks about Will, they’re all having fun.

Until a new serial killer comes and Jack has to call Will.

Will starts to investigate in his style, until…

Some summary required - Season 3 - 07 Digestivo

Hannibal is shot by Mason’s men and he and Will are taken back home. Jack is saved by Chiyoh. Our two heroes arrive to Muskrat Farm after I don’t know how many hours like this:

From the start we have Hannibal’s reactions to Mason’s treatments

And Will’s reaction

Then, they have to be dressed up for dinner. At that point, Mason is so excited that his jokes about testicles, dicks and swallowing intensify.

Since Will is an attention seeker, to animate the dinner, he tears apart Cordell’s cheek with his teeth. His cannibal is really proud.

Mason has plans. He wants to eat Hannibal wearing Will’s face -what do you expect? A nice dinner with them? Come on…- so, first, he treats Hannibal like one of his pigs. He brands him and he puts him in a cage. But, well… The other pigs aren’t tied up like this.

When all seems to go well for Mason, Alana saves the day releasing the Kraken.

Hannibal, in this order:

Kills a lot of people with a hammer.

Milks Mason to provide a baby for Margot and Alana.

I don’t want to comment the fact that Margot still wants a baby, but the fact that Alana is ok with carrying Mason’s child. A minute of silence.

Then Hannibal saves his beloved carrying him like a bride… To Wolf Trap! He takes Will home!

He dresses him comfortably, he puts him in his bed and he watches over him while he sleeps.

So, this is EXACTLY what happens next: